So today's temperature is actually below 100 so I decided to venture out into the deck for a bit. When I first came out here, the neighbors across at the other complex were making lots of noise, but now they're quiet again.
Speaking of that other complex, it's supposed to be "luxury apartments" and is gated. So why does someone park there car over here at our complex and then walk around to that complex?
So the view from the deck today....lots of traffic, because it's just before 6pm and everyone is coming home from work. There's also a Budget truck with a car on the back. New neighbors maybe.
Ok, time to go in. Somebody's car alarm is going off and it just keeps going. Ugh!! I may head out again tomorrow morning or even later tonight since the temps are supposed to stay pretty nice for a few days.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Off the deck...
So who's looking for an update from the deck? Well, it's 112 degrees out there so you're going to have to let your imagination run wild and make up your own sights and sounds from the deck because I'/m blogging from the couch today!
I've got the A.C. on and I'm staying inside. Maybe after dinner we'll venture outside, but not before then, It tends to be hottest around here between 3 and 6 p.m. It's about 1:30 right now and already 112, so we'll see how high it goes at peak.
I did go out this morning - to the grocery store. It was just about 90 when I left, which wasn't bad. That's the key, go out in the morning, or after dinner. In the morning, the temps haven't gotten too high yet and in the evening, the sun is lower in the sky, so it's much more bearable,
I'm sure some people are wondering about the "dry heat." I know plenty of people scoff at the term and will say "hot is hot" and that's true, but for me personally, I know that I HATED humidity. And when it was 90+ degrees in Massachusetts with 85% humidity, I felt gross. I felt like all I did was sweat. I don't feel like that here. I'm not going to tell you that Arizona is for everyone, but so far, we aren't having any regrets.
I've got the A.C. on and I'm staying inside. Maybe after dinner we'll venture outside, but not before then, It tends to be hottest around here between 3 and 6 p.m. It's about 1:30 right now and already 112, so we'll see how high it goes at peak.
I did go out this morning - to the grocery store. It was just about 90 when I left, which wasn't bad. That's the key, go out in the morning, or after dinner. In the morning, the temps haven't gotten too high yet and in the evening, the sun is lower in the sky, so it's much more bearable,
I'm sure some people are wondering about the "dry heat." I know plenty of people scoff at the term and will say "hot is hot" and that's true, but for me personally, I know that I HATED humidity. And when it was 90+ degrees in Massachusetts with 85% humidity, I felt gross. I felt like all I did was sweat. I don't feel like that here. I'm not going to tell you that Arizona is for everyone, but so far, we aren't having any regrets.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
First responders....
We're not exactly sure what is going on, but there's a fire rescue truck and two police cruisers parked down by the office. We can't see anything from here other than the vehicles because all personnel went down between the buildings. There was a news van here also, but it already left. Maybe we'll find out when the 10 o'clock news airs. We did see them take a ladder out of the back of the truck too.
Stay tuned!!
Oh, one of the cruisers is leaving now too. But as he was leaving, someone was pulling in and stopped to talk to him. We couldn't hear exactly what was said, but we heard the cop say that the firefighters kicked in the door.
And now an ambulance just arrived. No lights and sirens flashing.
We think the person who stopped to talk to the cops was probably someone from management and they probably called them to come down with a key, but couldn't get ahold of them before they kicked in the door.
Well that was Tuesday night and we never did find out what happened. We did see them take someone out on a stretcher, but not sure what happened.
And then Wednesday night I was back out on the deck as several fire trucks came roaring into the complex. They went further back, so I really couldn't see anything, but they were only there about 5 minutrs.
Hopefully tonight will be a quiet one!
Stay tuned!!
Oh, one of the cruisers is leaving now too. But as he was leaving, someone was pulling in and stopped to talk to him. We couldn't hear exactly what was said, but we heard the cop say that the firefighters kicked in the door.
And now an ambulance just arrived. No lights and sirens flashing.
We think the person who stopped to talk to the cops was probably someone from management and they probably called them to come down with a key, but couldn't get ahold of them before they kicked in the door.
Well that was Tuesday night and we never did find out what happened. We did see them take someone out on a stretcher, but not sure what happened.
And then Wednesday night I was back out on the deck as several fire trucks came roaring into the complex. They went further back, so I really couldn't see anything, but they were only there about 5 minutrs.
Hopefully tonight will be a quiet one!
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